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What is The Average SSD Payment in Tennessee?

September 01, 2023

What is The Average SSD Payment in Tennessee?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are one of the most sought-after disability income sources for many people. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for administering these benefits, and since SSDI are government benefits, the rules, requirements, and payouts are generally the same nationwide. Based on the most recent data from the SSA, disabled workers receive an average SSD payment of $1,400 every month.

It’s important to note that while your monthly SSDI payment will be based on your median lifetime earnings, the maximum monthly payment you can receive is $3,627.

Factors The SSA Uses to Calculate Monthly SSDI Benefits

The specific amount of SSDI benefits disabled workers can receive monthly will vary greatly based on their unique circumstances, but the SSA will look at the following factors to calculate the exact amount a disabled worker can receive:

Certain Income Sources Can Reduce Your Monthly SSDI Benefits

Your income from work, disability benefits you’re getting from a private insurance plan, VA (Veterans Affairs) benefits, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, will not reduce your monthly SSDI benefits. On the other hand, certain disability benefits regulated by the government may reduce SSDI benefits. These include: 

Basically, if your potential SSDI payment and the benefits you receive from government disability payments are higher than 80% of your earnings prior to becoming disabled, your SSDI payment may be reduced.

It is immensely crucial to ensure that you meet the stringent requirements of the SSDI program. In most cases, however, eligibility can be difficult to prove, and the SSA can easily deny your claim if you make an error in the application process. To help ensure you can prove your disability and your eligibility for SSDI benefits, reach out to the Tennessee Social Security Disability lawyer at Raybin & Weissman as soon as you suffer an injury or illness and can’t work because of your disability.

You can learn more about how the SSDI benefits program work and how much you can potentially receive in a free case consultation with our Tennessee Social Security Disability lawyer. Call our office at 615-256-6666 or send us a message online to schedule your appointment today.