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Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied – Now What?

May 08, 2014

Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied – Now What?

Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied

You’ve been a hard-working, tax-paying citizen for years, but now have an injury or condition that prevents you from working.

So, you’ve applied for Social Security Disability, the federal government program that pays benefits to people who are unable to work due to an injury or medical condition. After filling out tons of paperwork, and then waiting months for an answer, you’re stunned when you receive a letter that denies your Social Security disability appeal.

Does this sound familiar?

Although this is incredibly disheartening, you are not alone. This scenario is quite common and one that I hear all of the time as a Social Security disability attorney.

Social Security disability has a rigorous review process and many, maybe even most, claims are denied the first time – that is, the initial application.

But, take heart. Just because your SSD claim was denied initially doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for your case. There are additional steps you can take to appeal the decision and ultimately, get the benefits you deserve.

What to Do if the Government Denied your Social Security Disability Appeal

Perhaps the most important thing you can do if your SSD has been denied is to hire a disability attorney.

For people who can’t work because of a disability, day-to-day activities are stressful enough. Add to that the complicated process of applying for disability benefits, and you have a situation that requires some professional help.

Although you can appeal your Social Security disability claim on your own, it is a very complicated process. There is just no reason to go it alone when you can get a lawyer to help you with the appeals process with no up-front cost to you.

Hiring an Attorney for Your Disability Claim

Here are some of the ways an attorney can help you if the government denied your Social Security disability appeal:

If your Social Security claim was denied, you still have a chance to get the benefits you deserve. But, don’t try to go it alone. Hire an attorney to get the help you need.

If you have questions about applying for Social Security benefits or appealing to a SSD denial, give me a call at 615-256-666. I would be happy to talk to you about your case and help you navigate the tricky waters of Social Security Disability so you don’t have to.