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How Do I Apply for SSD Benefits?

June 24, 2024

How Do I Apply for SSD Benefits?

Each year, about two million people apply for disability benefits. If you develop a medical condition that prevents you from working, you may consider applying for SSD benefits yourself. However, the requirements to qualify can be confusing, making it difficult to understand your eligibility.

In this article, our Nashville Social Security disability lawyers aim to demystify the process of applying for Social Security Disability.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability?

Work History

To receive Social Security disability benefits, you must work in a job in which you paid into Social Security, along with a qualifying medical condition.

To qualify for disability benefits, you must have a certain number of work credits, 20 of which need to be earned in the last ten years. A worker typically needs 40 credits to qualify. The amount each work credit earns changes each year.

For instance, in 2024, one work credit equates to $1,730 in wages or self-employment income. You can earn up to four credits each year, meaning that when your income reaches $6,920, you have earned four work credits.

Qualifying Medical Conditions

To receive disability benefits, you must have a qualifying disability. Social Security considers an individual to be disabled if the following statements apply:

Additionally, the Social Security website lists medical conditions that automatically qualify a person to receive Social Security Disability. Generally, a person who has a condition that prevents him or her from earning a meaningful income is considered disabled.

How Do I Apply for Benefits?

The Social Security website allows individuals to apply online or schedule an appointment. If you choose to schedule an appointment, it may be conducted over the phone or in person.

What Information Do I Need to Apply?

To apply for benefits online, you will need to provide the following information:

Do Not Hesitate to Speak with Our Nashville Social Security Disability Lawyers

Many disabilities take place over time, transforming your life slowly. If you have a disability that is keeping you from working, our Nashville Social Security disability lawyers want to hear from you. To schedule your free consultation, contact the office online or by calling 615-256-6666.