Nashville Prostitution Lawyer
Experienced Defense against Soliciting and Prostitution Charges
Nashville area law enforcement agencies take acts of prostitution very seriously, and often go as far as conducting stings to combat the occurrence of prostitution on area streets. If you have been charged with prostitution, it is important to understand the penalties you face and the options you have for defending yourself.
The Nashville prostitution lawyers of Raybin & Weissman, P.C., our Nashville prostitution defense lawyers have the experience and skill needed to address even the most serious prostitution related charges. By carefully examining all the evidence and information related to your case, we work to offer the information you need to understand your charges and make the most informed defense decisions possible throughout your proceedings.
This approach allows us to address a number of prostitution related offenses, including:
- Prostitution
- Soliciting
- Loitering with the intent to prostitute
- Promotion of the prostitution of an individual (Pimping)
- Lewd acts in public
Whatever your specific charges may be, we will help you mount an aggressive defense against your charges, all in an effort to help you avoid the penalties that stem from a conviction, including:
- Fines
- Jail time
- Probation
- Court ordered counseling
Contact Our Nashville Prostitution Lawyers for the Defense Your Future Deserves
Individuals who are charged with prostitution related offenses are often simply trying to make ends meet, or fulfill a need or desire. Unfortunately, the state does not offer leniency to these individuals, making it important to mount an aggressive defense against your charges.
Our experienced Nashville prostitution lawyers will fight to help you mount such a defense, and will make every effort to help you understand your defense options and your proceedings. In short, we will take on your legal struggles, and offer the attentive representation you need to combat these serious charges.
Contact our office online or call 615-256-6666 to discuss your specific charges during a confidential consultation with one of our understanding and experienced attorneys.