Lawyers to Help Reinstate License in Nashville, Tennessee
Professional License Reinstatement Lawyers
Professional Admission and License Restoration Problems
With more than 100 years of combined trial experience, our lawyers to help reinstate licenses in Nashville, Tennessee dedicate their professional lives to the fight for justice and to protect the quality of life for you and your loved ones, through highly personalized service and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
At Raybin & Weissman, P.C. in Nashville, lawyers to help reinstate licenses in Nashville represent persons who have been disciplined by professional licensing bodies as well as those whose past legal problems can make it difficult to obtain a professional license. For dependable advice and representation about your options for license reinstatement or initial admission into a profession, contact one of our AV-rated* attorneys.
Just as we represent professionals in administrative disciplinary proceedings related to criminal charges or convictions, we also represent persons who’s probationary or suspension terms have expired but who might be facing a difficult reinstatement process. We can guide you through the application process and help ensure that your petition for reinstatement is complete, candid, and compelling. To the extent that you need to demonstrate compliance over time with conditions for reinstatement, we will assemble and review the necessary materials so they can be presented to your board with maximum favorable impact.
Our lawyers to help reinstate licenses in Nashville also represent clients who have completed the academic and examination requirements for entry into such professions as medicine or the law, but who have encountered problems with the “good character” requirements for admission to a licensed professional. These problems could reflect past convictions for drunk driving or even underage drinking while in college, or difficulties related to an arrest on drug charges. We can work with your licensing board and aim toward the resolution of the difficulties standing between you and your successful entry into your new profession.
We stand ready to help both seasoned professionals and new applicants overcome license problems in fields ranging from nursing and social work to law enforcement, teaching, or securities trading.
Need help? Call our lawyers to help reinstate licenses in Nashville at (615) 256-6666 to speak with an injury attorney right now!
* CV, BV, and AV are registered certification marks of Reed Elsevier Properties, Inc., used in accordance with the Martindale-Hubbell certification procedures, standards, and policies. Martindale-Hubbell is the facilitator of a peer review rating process. Ratings reflect the confidential opinions of members of the Bar and the judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell Ratings evaluate two categories–legal ability and general ethical standards.