Client Results
Fearless Advocacy, Proven Results is not just our motto at the law firm of Raybin and Weissman.
Take a look at our most recent settlements and verdicts amounting in millions of dollars for our clients involved in personal injury cases including car truck and motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, wrongful death and hit by drunk driver.
Recent Personal Injury Lawsuit Awards & Settlements
Injuries from Dangerous Work Environment (Premises Liability): $3,000,000
Our client fell from an elevated platform while working as an air conditioning repairman.
As a result of discovery, we determined that the company where he fell had numerous OSHA violations that resulted in the existence of a dangerous situation. We were successful in establishing that these OSHA violations precluded various affirmative defenses and we were able to settle this case for $3 million.
Wrongful Death of a Passenger: $1,750,000
Our clients, a husband and wife married for over 60 years, were passengers in a vehicle driven by a lifetime friend, a very wealthy resident of Belle Meade.
The elderly driver neglected to tell our clients that he had not eaten all day and advised that he would drive the vehicle. Due to his lack of food, he blacked out at the steering wheel, drove into a ditch, and in attempting to extricate himself, caused his car to flip. The husband suffered injuries that required placement into an assisted living facility for the remainder of his life and his wife, a ninety-one year old lady, was killed in the accident.
Despite the advanced age of each of these people, one eighty-seven and the other ninety-one, we were able to obtain a recovery of $1.75 million dollars.
Truck Rear Ends Car on I-40: $400,000
Our client was traveling on I-40 near Knoxville when a trucker rear-ended her.
He alleged that our insured was to blame for slowing quickly in front of him. However, it was clear after investigation and multiple depositions, that she was slowing due to the flow of traffic and that he had failed to pay attention to that which was in front of him. Our client suffered a herniated disc and required a neck surgery.
We were able to obtain a recovery of $400,000 from the trucking company.
Car Accident In Smith County: $350,000
Our client was sitting at a red light on a bridge in a construction zone in Carthage, Tennessee.
The defendant driver came over the abutment of the bridge at a high rate of speed, striking our client and her passenger from behind, resulting in severe injuries. We were successful in obtaining a result of $250,000 from the defendant driver for the injuries suffered to our driver and an additional $100,000 for her passenger who suffered less severe injuries.
Additionally, pursuant to the terms of the confidential settlement, we were able to obtain recovery from the trucking company that failed to properly mark the construction zone, thereby giving notice to the defendant driver of the need to slow down.
Injured by Drunk Driver: $350,000
We represented an airline pilot who was a passenger in a friend’s vehicle after playing a round of golf. Unbeknownst to our client, the defendant driver had consumed several beers prior to taking the wheel.
Despite the argument that our client was partially to blame because he got in the car with the drunk driver, we were able to rebut that argument and obtain a recovery of $235,000 for our client based on injuries incurred and lost wages.
Driver on Vacation in Nashville Hit by Truck: $275,000
Our client, a resident of Illinois, was on vacation and driving through Nashville.
She was hit by an eighteen-wheeler traveling on the interstate. As a result of the accident, our client suffered an injury to her neck that ultimately required surgery. In an interesting twist, the trucker’s father was following in a vehicle behind him. The father alleged that our client did not have their lights on and failed to use a signal indicator and pulled in front of the trucker.
Slip and Fall at Bridgestone Arena: $275,000
Our client, a gaffer for the television show “Nashville,” was working at the Bridgestone Arena.
He stepped through curtains to go to the floor of the arena to set up lighting. Unfortunately, there had been a concert the night before for this show and the arena preparation company failed to replace railing behind the curtain that should have been there.
As a result, when my client stepped through the curtain, unbeknownst to him, there was a twenty-five foot drop. He fell twenty-five feet and broke his wrist, rendering him disabled for a period of months. It was necessary to sue eight separate defendants to determine who the responsible party was for this incident.
Ultimately, we were able to obtain a result of $275,000 for a wrist injury.
Through diligent work, we were able to establish this was not true and obtain a result of $275,000 for the truck accident.
Car Accident Injury: $250,000
Our client was a passenger in the backseat of a car being driven by classmates.
The two young men in the front of the vehicle began wrestling over the driver’s cell phone. The driver slammed on the brakes causing the vehicle to switch into ongoing traffic where the car was hit head on by a driver going in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, our client suffered a traumatic brain injury that required hospitalization and long term aid and attendant care. In a confidential settlement, we successfully obtained all policy limits available from the driver of the car our client was in, as well as the passenger who engaged in the horse play with him.
The $250,000 policy limit recovery will go a tremendous length in enabling our client to recover from his devastating injuries.
Motorcycle Accident Injury Award: $250,000
Our client was driving to work on his motorcycle to his job as an airplane mechanic.
The defendants pulled out of a Walmart parking lot without yielding the right of way. My client slammed into the side of his vehicle and was ejected into the air, smashing into the ground. As a result, he suffered a broken jaw and a broken right wrist.
Through diligent efforts to recreate the scene and establish our client was not speeding, we were able to obtain a policy limit recovery of $250,000 for this motorcycle accident.
Slip and Fall at Hotel in Donelson: $165,000
Our client was a seventy-six year old woman staying on a church retreat at the Country Inn and Suites in Donelson.
As she was heading to get breakfast from the breakfast bar, she caught her heel and tripped over carpeting that had been placed improperly and had a gap in it.
This was the second time I had sued this hotel for similar circumstances.
As such, I had pictures of the carpet in its defective condition prior to this incident as well as on the day of the incident. During depositions, the hotel owner defendant pulled out pictures of the rug in pristine condition and alleged there was no reason for our client to have fallen.
Because I had captured the scene immediately, I was able to establish that he was lying and obtain a recovery for my seventy-six year old client $165,000 for her knee injury.
Slip and Fall in Restaurant: $100,000
My client, an eighty year old woman, slipped and fell at the Red Robin restaurant in Bellevue off White Bridge Road while going into lunch.
There was a carpet on the ground that should have been removed as it was a nice day. Policy of the restaurant established it was only to be there when it was raining and while it had rained earlier in the morning, they declined to remove the rug. As a result of the rush hour, the rug got caught and flipped up, creating a dangerous condition which ultimately caused my client to trip. Through discovery I was able to establish that they had no policy to inspect the scene on a regular basis and that the rug was in a state of disrepair.
As a result, we were able to obtain a recovery in an amount of $100,000.
Moped Accident on West End in Nashville
Our client was riding a moped crossing the street in West End when a vehicle failed to yield the right of way, ran a red light, and struck her.
The accident resulted in severe and debilitating injuries. Although the terms of the settlement agreement are confidential, not only were we able to obtain all available policy limits from the defendant driver, but we also forced him to liquidate his retirement account and pay additional personal proceeds to our client.
Pedestrian Hit by Texting Driver in Bellevue
We represented a teenage girl who was walking across the street in Bellevue, Tennessee with her older brother.
As she had almost completed crossing an eight-lane road, she was struck in the final lane by a driver of an oncoming vehicle who was texting and driving. Defendant driver denied liability, claiming our client ran in front of him and he could not see her because it was dusk and visibility was poor. By recreating the scene, we were able to establish that his view was unobstructed and it was his inattentiveness that caused the accident.
In addition to recovering a full policy limit recovery from the driver who was texting and driving, we were able to obtain payment for negligent infliction of emotional distress for our client’s brother, who was with her, and her mother, who arrived at the scene after the accident.
Motorcycle Accident in Nashville
Our clients, a husband and wife with a newborn baby, were riding on a motorcycle when passing through a green light.
Defendant failed to yield the right of way and ran the red light, and then made a left turn in front of my clients. Clients hit the side of the vehicle and were ejected into the air, suffering terrible injuries.
Complicating this case was the fact that, while my clients were being placed into an ambulance with life-threatening injuries, the defendant driver lied about the circumstances and had her boyfriend, who was not present at the time of the accident, arrive at the scene to corroborate her story to the police.
In short order, through diligent legal work, we were able to rebut this story and obtain a significant six-figure recovery for each of my clients.
ATV Accident Lawsuit
We represented a young lady who rode on the back of an ATV driven by her cousin.
The circumstances of the accident were unclear as there were numerous versions of what happened and our client had no memory of the incident due to her having a closed head injury as a result of the accident. Notwithstanding great difficulties in the law designed to protect landowners, we were successful in obtaining a recovery after significant litigation.