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Can I Sue a Grocery Store If I Fall and There is No Signage?

January 22, 2024

Can I Sue a Grocery Store If I Fall and There is No Signage?

Slip and fall accidents due to lack of signage, such as wet floor signs, may result in various serious injuries, from sprains and broken bones to life-altering head injuries or spine damage. If you did not notice that the grocery store floor was wet due to the lack of warning signage and got injured, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries from the grocery store operator or owner.

However, while you can sue a grocery store if you fall and get injured because there’s no signage, it can be difficult to determine whether or not you have a valid personal injury claim. Fortunately, our Davidson County slip and fall attorney offers a free case evaluation so you can learn more about your case and your legal options moving forward. Meanwhile, here’s what you should know about slip and fall accidents in grocery stores.

Can I File a Claim Against The Grocery Store for Compensation?

Grocery store operators and owners are legally obligated to ensure that customers are safe from any harm while on their premises. Generally speaking, you may have a valid personal injury claim against the grocery store due to the lack of wet floor signage if:

You may have a legal claim to seek compensatory damages from the grocery store if you were injured in a slip and fall accident. These damages refer to monetary compensation victims are entitled to receive in a lawsuit. They can cover your accident-related losses, such as medical expenses, lost earnings, emotional distress, and pain and suffering, among others.

However, it is crucial to note that you have the burden of proof to show how the grocery store was negligent and, as a result, its negligence led to your injuries. For example, you must prove one or more of the following:

Talk to an Experienced Davidson County Slip and Fall Attorney

If you have suffered injuries in a grocery store because of the absence of proper warning signage, the Davidson County slip and fall attorney at Raybin & Weissman can help. Schedule your free case review by calling 615-256-6666 or reaching us online.