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Changes to Social Security Disability Benefits in 2024

September 22, 2024

Changes to Social Security Disability Benefits in 2024

Social Security allows individuals with limited financial means to access necessary benefits. Created by President Franklin Roosevelt, It is a federally funded program that allows the elderly, disabled, and low-income individuals to avoid poverty. If you are planning on applying for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) this year, our disability attorneys want to inform you of several benefit changes.

At Raybin & Weissman, our Tennessee Social Security disability attorneys have helped numerous clients acquire disability benefits, permitting individuals to have the income they need for a higher standard of living.

Social Security Benefits Will Increase by 3.2 Percent

As of 2024, social security benefits across the board will increase by 3.2 percent, a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) based on the Consumer Price Index. In January 2024, more than 71 million social security recipients will have their benefits increased. This is done to help people keep up with the increasing cost of expenses.

Increase in Income Limits

Each year, the limits for disabled and blind individuals to qualify for benefits increase. To be eligible for benefits, you must be unable to partake in substantial gainful activity (SGA). Federal regulations set a lower SGA limit for disabled individuals than for blind individuals. As of 2024, the monthly income threshold for disabled persons is $1,550, while the threshold for blind individuals is $2,590. This income limit will not apply to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for blind persons but will apply to non-blind disabled individuals.

Increase in Work History Credits Required

If you were born in 1929 or later, you must earn at least 40 work credits to qualify for Social Security benefits. The number of work credits you will need to collect SSDI depends upon the age at which you became disabled.

You can earn a maximum of four credits per year, meaning that you must have worked for at least ten years to qualify. As of 2024, $6,920 of earnings equals four work credits. However, you must have worked recently enough to be eligible, with 20 of your work credits being earned within the last ten years. The last year counted will be the year you became disabled.

Advantages of Working with a Social Security Disability Attorney

As of 2022, approximately 8.9 million people receive disability benefits. Applying can be a cumbersome process, requiring that you provide your personal information (including your current and former spouses), types of medical tests and dates they were administered, healthcare providers who treated your condition, your medications, and your record of earnings. The process is invasive, and even after providing this information, there is no guarantee that you will be approved for benefits.

The Social Security disability attorneys at Raybin & Weissman, P.C., are dedicated to helping clients access government assistance. We will streamline the process by helping you collect the necessary documentation and identifying any errors. If your application is denied, our attorneys have experience representing clients at administrative proceedings, and we have a proven success record in this area.

Contact a Tennessee Social Security Disability Attorney Today

If you have a disability that prevents you from working now but you have worked in the past, you may be eligible to collect SSDI. Our Tennessee Social Security disability attorneys have a thorough understanding of the federal regulations and statutes governing Social Security benefits. Our understanding helps us to pursue various avenues to help you obtain benefits. If you want to schedule your consultation for a free SSDI eligibility assessment, contact our office online or by phone today.